Getting Started
LESSON A – What is Stock Options Trading
If you want to learn about stock option trading, you’re in the right place. My name is Amanda and in the next few minutes, I’ll introduce you to stock option trading and tell you how you can learn more through Raging Bull’s Options Academy. Perhaps you’ve asked...
LESSON B – How Option Prices Change
When the stock market is open, the value of an option contract can change continuously. The way the value changes is important to understand, because option prices move differently from stock prices. Stocks have one single factor that moves share prices around, but...
LESSON C – Call Options: A Chance to Own Stock
When a trader buys a call option contract, they buy the chance to own shares they bought at the strike price on or before the expiration date. The contract gives them the right to take that chance if they want, or to let the contract expire. For most option...
LESSON D – Put Options: a chance to sell short
When a trader buys a put option contract, they buy the chance to create a short-sale of a stock at the strike price. Selling short allows a trader to profit when stocks go down. A put option contract gives a trader the right to take that kind of chance. They can...
LESSON E – Intro to Trading Approaches- Buying or Selling Option Contracts
Just like a professional athlete would not approach their sport without a plan for how to perform, Option traders who want to be successful need a game plan. This game plan has three elements: selecting a trading approach, selecting a trading style and selecting...